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Phase separators, 1PS

Koda: 9056892*LLG
Phase separators, 1PS
A silicone impregnated, water repellent paper which can be used to separate aqueous solutions from immiscible solvents. The aqueous phase is retained and the organic phase passes through. Will retain solid particles. Can be used either flat under suction not exceeding 70mm Hg or quadrant folded in a conical glass funnel. Supplied in box of 100 circles.
Note: This paper contains a small quantity of tin complex catalyst. It is therefore not recommended for use when this complex may cause interference, e.g. with the use of dithizone (diphenylthiocarbazone) reagent.
Manufacturer:Cytiva Europe GmbH
Article description 1:1PS Phase Separator, circle, 90 mm, pack of 100