Liquid level/cooling set for water baths PURA™ and shaking water baths SW
Liquid level/cooling set for water baths PURA™ and shaking water baths SW
Magnetic stirrer with infra-red heating SHP-200-IR-L
Magnetic stirrer with infra-red heating SHP-200-IR-L
MaxQ 6000 Incubated and Refrigerated Stackable Shakers, orbital
MaxQ 6000 Incubated and Refrigerated Stackable Shakers, orbital
MaxQ 6000 Incubated and Refrigerated Stackable Shakers, orbital
MaxQ 6000 Incubated and Refrigerated Stackable Shakers, orbital
MaxQ 8000 Incubated and Refrigerated Stackable Shakers
MaxQ 8000 Incubated and Refrigerated Stackable Shakers
MaxQ 8000 Incubated and Refrigerated Stackable Shakers
MaxQ 8000 Incubated and Refrigerated Stackable Shakers